Saturday, November 30, 2019

Strategic Alignment Worksheet free essay sample

Overview Use this Strategic Alignment Worksheet (SAW) to help you complete the sections listed below. As you progress through the course, you will be instructed to complete and submit section(s) of the SAW. Once you have all of the sections completed, you are to incorporate the sections into the larger Atha Execution Plan, which is your final project deliverable (to be submitted in Unit 5). Sections of the SAW Goals and Activities (Unit 2) Interview Questions (Unit 3) Department Purpose Statements (Unit 4) Performance Standards (Unit 4) Checklist for Human Resources Area Mary Atha, CEO, has provided this checklist of overall organization goals for the human resources area. Read the checklist and use it as a point of reference for your development of this SAW. 1. Ensure staffing requirements are met. 2. Retain existing staff. 3. Hire and train new staff. 4. Plan, organize, lead, and direct the human resources of the company to meet the goal of growing the business by 100%. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Alignment Worksheet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1. 0 Goals and Activities. Develop goals and activities for the human resources Area. Submit this section in Unit 2. Goals Activities to support this goal (add more rows if needed) 1. 1 Retain existing employees. What are the supporting activities? How will this activity achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Evaluate current employees and their current strengths and weaknesses. By evaluating each employee, their strengths and weaknesses can be utilized to discover issues and needs which were not acknowledged previously and have created morale issues. 45 days Provide training to all employees based on new company needs and employee training needs. Providing appropriate training will increase efficiency of each employee and department as a whole. Re-evaluate after training . Re- evaluating will help asses staffing needs. 1. 2 Add two additional human resources generalists. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Week One: Recruit applicants via Monster. com by advertising an H/R Generalist position. Applicants must have a degree and 4 years experience in the position. The requirements for the position will streamline the amount of applicants to sort through and help save time and help ensure quality candidates. 2 weeks Week Two: Conduct interviews and make a final decision on the last day. 1. 3 Assist department managers in the hiring of new employees. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Provide a job description of the position to the department managers. These activities will guide the managers through the recruiting process and assist in speed of the entire hiring process. 2 weeks Assist in advertising setting up interviews. Process new employees and set up training for them. 1. 4 Assist department managers with the improvement of employee performance. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? After completing the evaluations described in goals section 1. 1 , set up workshops and training sessions for employees and management based on their needs. 30 days Because employees’ performance often coincides with management performance, it is necessary to keep under consideration that it may be management who may need re-training or some assistance in order to lead their team effectively. By listening and acting on concerns and issues that may exist in a department and hinder performance, the morale of the employee rises and so does performance. 1. 5 Create new organization chart for the human resources area. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Collect names, positions and what each person does in the HR Department. This activity will organize the most current information and create a chart with the line of command 1 week after hiring new department employees Starting with the head of the department, place the name in a box on the top of the page along with the position title. On the next line down, draw a line of boxes, one for each person directly reporting to the Department Head. Those are the supervisors of staff. On the last line make a line of boxes representing employees who directly reports to each supervisor of staff. Draw lines connecting the employees to each supervisor. 1. 6 Update and create new job descriptions. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? This will require each department manager to provide a detailed description of duties for each position in the department to the Human Resources Department. Being the head of a department a manager will know if there are any changes to the job descriptions of all the department members. This will provide the most accurate job descriptions. 2 weeks After the descriptions are collected they are to be printed on official company letterhead and HR staff should organize and file the reports according to company organization chart 1. 7 Prepare new staff handbooks. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? With upcoming staff and company changes there will be a need to update and produce new staff handbooks. 30 days Study and investigate changes that may have to be made to the labor laws that apply to the higher volume of staff. Update any employment laws and regulations that may change due to increase of staff. Change the company profile in the handbook to reflect the new changes This will update the handbook to reflect new company goals. 1. 8 Make changes to employee benefits What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Investigate state and federal laws, which dictate the required employee benefits. This will insure that the company will be operating within applicable employment laws Within 30 days of staff increase 2. 0 Interview Questions. Write interview questions for the human resources area. Submit this section in Unit 3. Add more rows if needed. Interview question Rationale for including this question 2. 1. Describe a time when you discovered a serious problem with an employee. How did you help resolve it Help evaluate problem-solving skills 2. 2. Give an example of how you have dealt with a difficult person in the past, whether it was personal or professional setting? To help evaluate conflict resolution abilities What programs for employees would you believe to be most crucial in an organization? 2. 3. General understanding of Human Resources role. 2. 4. Could you tell us about a time when you found the need for a change in your department? What prompted the need for the change and what was your strategy for executing the change? Was it successful? Leadership skills: the ability to take on a task and be innovative and outgoing enough to take charge. 2. 5. What do you believe is the HR department’s role in an organization and its mission? To evaluate if the candidate has a good understanding of HR. 3. 0 Purpose Statement. Write a purpose statement for the human resources area. Submit this section in Unit 4. Most of us are aware of the term purpose statement but are unsure of what its real meaning is within an organization. It is a statement describing the organization’s purpose, or the reason for its existence. The purpose of an organization reflects a desired position in the marketplace. It should accurately answer to the questions below. The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers. The most effective purpose statements are short, concise, and direct. A good purpose statement is between 2–3 sentences. Purpose Statement Who are we? What do we do? For whom do we do this? How do we know when we are getting it done? The Human Resources Department for Atha Corporation We support all members of the organization by providing policies, guidelines, support in a people friendly manner to optimize the path to success. We provide support to all members of Atha Corporation and the corporation itself. We know we are succeeding when Atha Corporation’s staff is supported and performance is at an optimum level while we are reaching company goals. Compile the answers to the four questions into a concise 2–3-sentence statement summarizing those questions. This statement is your Purpose Statement. The Human Resources Department for Atha Corporation supports all members of the organization and the organization itself by providing policies, guidelines and support in a people friendly manner to optimize the path to success. We know we are succeeding when Atha Corporation’s staff is supported and performance is at an optimum level while we are reaching company goals. 4. 0 Performance Standards. Identify performance standards for the human resources area. Submit this section in Unit 4. Add more rows if needed. Performance Standards Rationale for including this performance standard 4. 1 Employment Hire quality employees that will perform within the companies quickly changing demands. The quality of the employees that are hire dictates the HR Generalist’s knowledge and abilities 4. 2 Benefits Negotiate with benefits providers for best prices to keep the company within budget. 4. 3 Training Provide training to all existing and new personnel to optimize the quality of each employee. 4. 4 Records and documentation Processing all Identification, immigration forms, Background Checks and IRS forms in a timely manner to stay within legal employment limitations. 4. 5 Compensation Negotiate compensation with all new and existing employees to retain and gain quality employees while staying within the budget.

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