Saturday, November 2, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 45

English - Essay Example The dyadic personality is the main concept that defines the first century personality. A dyadic person functions based on honor and shame, which are both related to what other people are thinking. During the first century, being common and conforming to the norm is the important and proper character. One possible reason why the first century people detest uniqueness is based on the example that every person is a representative of his or her particular group, either family or community, thus needed to be giving the right impression at all times due to the lack of ways of international communication that can introduce people to other parts of the world. This is contrary to the 21st century attitude which promotes individuality and uniqueness. In the modern world, each person’s character is important, one example is that manufacturers of different products want to get to know individuals to produce that they want. There are significant differences between the first century people represented by the dyadic Mediterraneans and the 21st century people represented by the Americans. The primary character is the high value of conformity or being common in the first century person and the high value of individuality and independence in the 21st century person. Authoritarian attitude is also the main leadership trait in first century person world while democracy is more popular for the 21st century person. A first century person perceive attitude as a rule and segregation factor thus he or she would not dare mingle with people of different status. On the other hand, the 21st century person does not believe that status should define a person; people are still people no matter the status. In the first century, honor is defined based on 3 factors that are considered to define the whole social construct during that time namely power, gender status and religion. Honor is a claim or an access so a level of worth in the society. Like wealth it can be achieved

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