Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay about Biography of Adam Smith - 3516 Words

Biography of Adam Smith Smith was one of those 18th century Scottish moral philosophers whose impulses led to our modern day theories; his work marks the breakthrough of an evolutionary approach which has progressively displaced the stationary Aristotelian view Invisible Hand:-  § Every individual necessarily labors to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally indeed neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. He intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he†¦show more content†¦They are themselves always, and without any exception, the greatest spendthrifts in the society. Let them look well after their own expense, and they may safely trust private people with theirs. (vol. I, bk. II, ch. 3.) Science:-  § Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition. (The Wealth of Nations.)  § A system of natural philosophy [this is how they described science in those days] may appear very plausible, and be for a long time very generally received in the world, and yet have no foundation in nature, nor any sort of resemblance to the truth. (Theory of Moral Sentiments.) Introduction:- Malthus, in his less famous work, Definitions in Political Economy, set down four rules for formulating definitions. Lawyers will readily recognize these as authorless rules which they and the courts have used in statutory interpretation. The first is that when people use words we should expect others to interpret them in their ordinary sense, or dictionary meaning. The second rule -- given that some distinction is required -- is to adopt the meaning as used by the most celebrated writers. In adverting to the terms andShow MoreRelatedThe Biography Of Adam Smith1505 Words   |  7 PagesThe Biography of Adam Smith Adam Smith was born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland in the year 1923, and died in the year 1790 at the age of 67 (Stewart, 1861). His exact date of birth is unknown but was baptized on 5th June 1723. His father was a prosecutor, advocate, and solicitor but passed on two months after his birth, leaving his mother to bring him up. His mother, Margaret Douglas, played a great role in his upbringing, especially in education. He joined the Burgh school where he learned history, writingRead MoreThe Invisible Hand By Adam Smith923 Words   |  4 Pagesperson. Obvious that is Adam Smith. Even though, after ten years or thousand years the economists will recall Adam Smith. Moreover, if you visit United Kingdom you can recognize Adam Smith face in the 50 and 20 pounds. ‘Man is an animal that makes bargains†- Adam Smith (Brainy Quote, (n.d)). That is underling the people’s instinct when they make a deal. â€Å"A person, who received his education through hard work, is like an expens ive Car’- Adam Smith (Brainy Quote, (n.d)). Adam Smith encouraged people toRead MoreEssay about Equality Is the Center of Society703 Words   |  3 PagesIndependence. Abigail Adams, wife of America’s second president John Adams, often wrote to her husband asking him to consider elevating women’s status so that they were equal to men (First Lady Biography: Abigail Adams). In a letter to her husband dated March 31, 1776 Adams wrote that she hoped â€Å"†¦you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them then your ancestors.† In the same letter she also states that all men are â€Å"Naturally Tyrannical† (Adams, Document 9), a statementRead MoreAdam Smith was born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland on an unknown date. While the exact birth date of600 Words   |  3 PagesAdam Smith was born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland on an unknown date. While the exact birth date of Smith is unknown, records show that he was baptized on June 5, 1723. He was the son of the comptroller of customs in his small village; however, his father sadly died approximately six months prior to Adam being born. He was then raised by a widowed mother. Around the age of 15, Adam Smith attended Glasgow University where he studied moral philosophy. About two years later, in 1940, Smith enrolled inRead MoreAbigail Smith Adams is Known as a Silent Hero to Our Country636 Words   |  2 PagesAbigail Smith Adams were borne on November 11,1744. Her parents were Reverend William Smith and Elizabeth Quincy Smith. She had two sisters named Mary Smith Cranch and Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody and one brother named William Smith. She lived in a rich family, and her parents had lots of money. She is known as a silent hero to the country. Abigail Adams was the wife of John Adams, the first Vice President, and the second President of the United State. She was important for being an unofficial adviserRead MoreEconomics Essay1090 Words   |  5 Pagesfundamental impact upon not only the United States of America, but also upon the world. Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich Von Hayek, Milton Friedman, and Fengbo Zhang are six men who have accomplished just that. Their opinions, actions, and words have forever changed the world of economics. Adam Smith The â€Å"father of economics† was born in Scotland. His birth occurred during the year of 1723. Adam Smith’s renowned book The Wealth of Nations examined the idea of capital and moneyRead MoreAbigail Adams : American History1560 Words   |  7 PagesAbigail Adams Throughout the early times of this country, the idea of women having rights was far from necessary, but there were a few women out there, such as Abigail Adams who held high hopes that one day this nation that the founding fathers were building up, would allow for women to be treated equally as men. Although Abigail Adams was filled with these hopes, she always found ways to be involved in political issues, not only because she was John Adams wife, but she also aspired that one dayRead MoreEconomic View of Adam Smith1193 Words   |  5 Pagesessay I will be defending Adam Smith and his view on the economy and how the government should not be involved in the market place. I will be using evidence John Stossel gives us through the video we watched. Before then I will give you a brief biography on Adam Smith. Adam Smith was born in 1723 in Scotland. Smith, a philosopher and economist who wrote the book â€Å"causes of the wealth of nations† written in 1776 which was one of the first books on political economy. Smith in this book analyzes theRead MoreAlexander Hamilton Character Analysis1267 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough Hamilton himself was an immigrant, he worked against other immigrants, using his political power to make their lives harder to live for them, â€Å"The musical’s concluding sentiments attach an appealing lesson to the title character’s life. As a biography, though, the celebration of Hamilton’s migrant story obscures the darker reality of his political career. Measured in three dimensions-his use of political attacks on immigrant contemporaries, his role in the Alien and Sedition Acts and his adoptionRead MoreAbigail Adams : Women s Rights2063 Words   |  9 PagesAbigail Adams, a woman very well known today for being one of the first figures for women s rights becoming the first lady during her husband, John Adams presidency. Abigail was born on November 22, 1744 and died on October 28, 1818 (The World of Abigail Adams). Throughout her life she had many long lasting accomplishments and was a leader in her household and for women. She helped make the Americas what they are today and helped give rights to woman. Abigail Adams was an important figure because

Monday, December 16, 2019

My Planet Free Essays

â€Å"A stich in time saves nine. † Prevention is always better than cure, if we know that something with the passage of time might become dangerous then it better to take a precautionary step to combat the danger. So how many times you heard your parents and grandparents say this to you- take precaution dear and don’t give your problems a chance to arrive. We will write a custom essay sample on My Planet or any similar topic only for you Order Now So better work now and take precaution instead of fixing the damage later. This phase is applicable in many fields of life: If you are student then you should study every day, but generally all the confusion arises when you study only during exam. When you ignore your study in the early stages then you end up working hard during your examinations and risk your success. There is no need to gamble with your success if you do your studies appropriately on time. You should immediately go to a doctor and start your treatment, if there are certain visible symptoms of a disease, before getting diagnosed with that disease. There have been many cancer cases where the patient did not take his health seriously and later on with further deterioration of his health, he comes to know that he is suffering from cancer and is at the second or third stage. Had he been to the doctor earlier and diagnosed with his disease then he could have been easily cured in the first stage. Even in the case of other diseases early detection helps in taking better preventive measures. Thinking that the disease will cure itself or avoiding doctor visit may result in increase of the problem and expenses even endanger your life. We can take precaution methods by choosing healthy diet and making it a point to exercise regularly. Regular exercise and good nutritious food will make us less prone to diseases, and will also result in a healthy heart, mind and body. Preventive measures taken in work areas also lessen the intensity of suffering. For example if you focus on the market you can save yourself from financial catastrophe by perceiving the future losses. Preventive measure also helps in controlling population. Wise man always use this formula for the success, they never wait for the deadline to come near to start their work, instead they finish their work before deadline, this gives them time to solve any unseen problem that might occur during the process of their work. It is an old saying which holds true in daily life: No man is perfect we all do mistakes. But with the help of act of Prevention one can avoid doing many disasters, complexities, confusion and destruction. We can check ourselves from doing something by thinking about the outcome (that can happen because of our negligence) first and then take appropriate action. Each and every action should be measured carefully because solving the problem will be more time consuming and more painful compared to taking precaution so that the problem do not happen How to cite My Planet, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Jetstar Marketing Strategies †Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Write an essay onEvaluation of the Jetstar marketing strategies. Answer: Jet Star Airways is an Australian aviation company that offers the air travel service to those who have never been able to manage to pay to fly by giving every day, all day, low fares. Obviously, Jet stars market goal is a low-cost transporter, as its main aim as an aviation company is to entrust to offering a high-quality flight experience with an affordable price (Paley, 2005). Even though through the domestic soul shares, Jet star is presently graded third largest airlines, it offered a service to about 16% passengers on the whole in 2009. Their low price has advanced jet stars ranking while 2006. It is marked that Jet star needs to improve their ranking as it falls after Virgin Blue as well as Qantas (Yu, Cadeaux, Song, 2013). The distribution channel of Jet Star allows the consumers to contact with their products in certain ways like newspaper advertisements, travel agents, online travel agents, Jet stars online website booking service, Jet Star outlets, telephone reservations and so on. In current years, Jet star has expected to enlarge or enhance the number of destinations accessible to the customers. Jet star is enclosed with an enormous diversity of consumers who have been creating a center of attention to this aviation company for different reasons (Holden, 2006). It is very much clear that Jet Star hold their flight destinations according to inhabitants density. Though it is, of course, has resulted in the barring of many famous destinations in Australia. Unluckily, there are numerous problems regarding the fights delay and cancellations and also reported with the quality of service. Three companies are involved with it are Tiger Airways, Qantas, and Virgin. The jet star had started working its domestic services in 2004 as well as international services in 2006. Jet stars competition is with Virgin Blue and Tiger Airways. This company offers low priced fares in comparison with other companies like Virgin Blue as well as Tiger Airways. Jet star's mar ket sections consist of different buyers, whose needs; demands vary according to one's behavior and characteristics. This Jet Star aviation product offers a service to about 14 international companies and performs about 2400 flights in a week. Thus, Jet star is well-known for its low priced flight fares as well as Jet Star should only focus on their continuing selling of their products by a mixture of different sellers, but their actual Jet star product should not change according to their increasing in market shares.Internal analysisThis research offers an internal analysis of the famous airline in Australia is the Jet Star. Jet star can highly compete with the Virgin Blue company, but eventually, they both are the service company. Jet star's correlated marketing strategies and methods which will create the difference between the market loser' as well as market leader'. This analysis will describe a possible solution to some strategic matters tackling the companies to uphold its lo cation and to protect its lucrative in the domestic market (The market for domestic conservatories, 2011). Earlier, Qantas started progressing emails and carrying the customers biplanes and enlarge the destinations universal such as Asia, Australia, America, Europe, and Africa. Qantas offers full service to their clients. Jet star is the additional of Qantas, which mainly focuses on the low priced fares of flights. The jet star has a strong business strategy and also concentrates on the low priced fares of flights. Explanation of two non-financial performances The non-financial returns are that the Jet Star company has come back to profitability after a tough performance in the domestic market against the Tiger Airways and the Virgin Blue, as well as narrowing of failures from its Asian joint ventures (Hussain Islam, 2003). Qantas's resources outcome hung to a causal pretax profit of $81 million for six months that ruined December 31 from a $16 million thrashing in the year-earlier era. The new consequence for Jet Star comprised a pretax profit of $63 million in the domestic market because for the improvement of the yields.Jet star's profits rose about seven percent on power growth of four cents. The company said that returning of the fare and increasing yields stopped primarily from capacity moderation in the southeast Asia and Australian markets.Discussion of two potential risks of implementing the Jetstar marketing strategyThere are various a risk in Jet star marketing strategy is that it is in shape with the endorsement of economic ex pansion, tourism and replacing people into different regions. In some region, there is a downturn, and so it is quite severe in some rural areas. Jet star's network is consistently increasing at the outflow of Qantas, and flying into a new location. Jet star needs a lot of maintenance. However, the aircraft have a worrying amount of potential catastrophes they are a marketing dreadful (Al-Rodhan, 2009). Jet star's low paid pilots uphold the maximum standards of their profession and do not encompass safety. Moreover there are more risks that can affect the organization particularly. Jetstar is providing service in the domestic areas of Australia for a long period of time. But the main problem is that the rate of the journey is same for all. It is a problem because there are various passengers with different financial condition and jetstar is providing service in different region of the country. So this can be considered as a high risk for the organization. Justifications of the marketing strategies Every organization, whether it is large scale or small scale, has their marketing strategy. Organization needs time to make their strategy, and when it is finished, the roadmap is set for meeting the marketing goals. Jet star Company has chosen several strategies to develop new routes. The course that has been made by Jets star offers the strongest opportunities to develop the market and real differences to local economies. Airline Jets star has the four new regional destinations (Bikker van der Linde, 2016). It has a 17 percent share in New Zealand domestic airline market. Jets star organization operates Airbus A320 jets to Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, and Queenstown. Organization offers jobs to the pilots and fulfills their goals (The Airline market, 2001).The Company needs to stay competitive for the development of the marketing plan. The target market is necessary for the products to sell. A marketing plan provides complete demographics of the target market such as age, locati on, education and needs (Cohen, 2006). The advertising, promotion, publicity helps in marketing strategy. It allocates responsibilities and timelines for each marketing so that everyone comes to know what they are doing and when. Better position in the market is required for the success of a brand or product. Goals can b achieved only by proper planning. The progress of the Jeter organization is essential for the success and in achieving the goal. Meeting customer needs is the major role of the group. The new products, its flavor or taste are all judged by the customers (Young Aitken, 2007). Flexibility is crucial to adjust the growth the team if any hidden events happen. Companies must spend their money wisely with a structured marketing plan; staying within budget. The marketing strategy of the organization brings many other organizations closer. The marketing strategy achieved the desired result. Planning helps the organization to reach and make a profit. Principles of Marketing Specialization The term Specialization is a method of production of business, area or company that focuses on the production for the limited scope of products and services to gain better degrees within an overall system. Several countries, for example, specialize in producing the goods and services that are inhabitants of their part of the world (Copley, 2010). They also do trading for other goods and services. This specialization has the source of global trade, as few countries have enough production to be self-sustaining (Helpman, 2011). It is also an agreement inside a community, an organization or a larger group where the members are fit for activity, and they have the responsibility for its execution. Differentiation The company wanted to make sure it was offering differentiation by adding price to the product without raising the price for the buyers. The marketing strategy of business try to make their product exclusive to stand out from competitors (Krstic Becic, 2011). For example, a person in his/her town can open a coffee shop or a restaurant, for the strategy that the products or services will be accepted by the local community. It creates more sales or more distinct market segments (Castre n, Osbat, Sydow, 2006). Firms like Maruti- Suzuki uses differentiated marketing strategy to attract all segments. Other examples are Hyundai or Microsoft. Company resources should have the market with different sizes, brands or products. Wholesalers and retailers are right with it because it helps them to reach different consumers, allows order and promotes private labels. Segmentation Market Segmentation is the process in which the company develops marketing strategies to help them to understand the portions of markets that are different from one another. Its objectives are to design a marketing mix that matches the expectations of the purchaser in the targeted segment (McDonald Dunbar, 2013). Few companies supply the needs of an entire market and choose those companies who are best prepared to handle. The four factors that affect market segment are in the following ways:- 1) Identification of the segment 2) Measurability of the size 3) Accessibility for the product 4) Appropriateness of the policies and resources of the company Market segmentation strategies are based on four basics:- 1) Behavioral 2)Demographic 3) Psychographic differences 4) Geographical differences Concentration The marketing Concentration means to concentrate on the needs and wants of the organization's key stakeholders (Phillips Freeman, 2010). It shows the customer awareness and preferences, how the firm can influence them and the organization should have profit. The organization must have a full concentration in advertising, marketing sales and public relations. It gives scope to the students who are interested in marketing management career. It also takes up a concern strategy to make marketing efforts and specific market segment. For example, the manufacturer of Relish watches has chosen to concentrate on the luxury segment of the watch market. The organization is supposed to concentrate also on the market development, product development and market penetration to extend the company (Meyer Thu Tran, 2006). 4Ps of marketing E. Jerome McCarthy has coined the word 4PS. It is used by the marketing companies, branding agencies and web design companies all over the world.Product Out of th e four Ps of marketing, the product is first. A product can be tangible or intangible. When a company is producing a new product in the market, they must check the product quality. The product should attract the people with its unique features. Packaging must be eye-catching. The brand name plays a great role for the good (Albu Griffith, 2006). The product must be of good size and variety. Warranty and guarantee of the product are crucial for the customers to buy the product. For example- like eye comic Kajal, it is a good price, smudge free and stays for 7hours. Price It plays a most important role in buying decisions. Price determinations must have profit target, supply, demand, and marketing strategy. A market is a place for competitions of the product. The Same product may vary in prices in the different marketplace (Smith, 2011). The price should be based on market research so that the people are more likely to buy the products. Seasonal discounts attract the people to buy the products in cheaper. For example- 21% discount off for six bottles of Tupperware or discount in restaurants for dinner table on Sunday. Promotion When the product is ready to go out in the market, it needs promotion. Promotion is done for the product or service. It looks at many ways in a marketing agency. Promotion attracts people to buy the product. Promotion contains elements like personal selling(door to door), publicity making news story about the product, advertising in roads or shops, direct mailing to customers from companies (example- Dominos pizza.) Place The place is very vital for putting the right product in the right place and at the right time. An expensive site is required for selling the product so that the customers are attracted towards it. The place is the distribution of products and also to make a profit (Nuseir Madanat, 2015). The ideal location is needed to draw the attention of the people. In today's place sometimes the real deal does not happen in web, it needs the primary place for the people to buy the product. Conclusion The marketing strategy of Jets star company has shown the various ways of planning. It shows how the organization has developed different ways for the achievement. Jets tar Company offers many pilots or cabin crew for jobs. The body makes a marketing plan to make a business profit. The mentioned company has chosen several strategies to determine the organization. If the organization is not able to make a good decision, then they must face higher loss. The company must concentrate on the needs and wants of the organization. Price, place, and promotion are also significant for the product to draw the attention of the customers. If an organization follows the mentioned steps or strategies the company will surely be benefited. References Albu, M. Griffith, A. (2006). Mapping the market: participatory market-chain development in practice. Small Enterprise Development, 17(2), 12-22. https://dx.doi.org/10.3362/0957-1329.2006.016Al-Rodhan, N. (2009). Potential global strategic catastrophes. Berlin: Lit.Bikker, J. van der Linde, D. (2016). Scale economies in local public administration. Local Government Studies, 42(3), 441-463. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03003930.2016.1146139Castre n, O., Osbat, C., Sydow, M. (2006). What drives investors' behaviour in different FX market segments?. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: European Central Bank.Cohen, W. (2006). The marketing plan. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley Sons.Copley, P. (2010). Through a Discourse Analysis lens less darkly: illuminating how SME principals and support agency practitioners see marketing in SMEs. The Marketing Review, 10(4), 353-368. https://dx.doi.org/10.1362/146934710x541320Helpman, E. (2011). Understanding global trade. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.Holden, S. (2006). Consumers. Oxford: Macmillan Education.Hussain, M. Islam, M. (2003). Different Nature of Non Financial Performances and Their Measurement Practices in Financial Services Industry. Humanomics, 19(3), 18-35. https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/eb018886McDonald, M. Dunbar, I. (2013). Market segmentation. Chichester: John Wiley Sons.Meyer, K. Thu Tran, Y. (2006). Market Penetration and Acquisition Strategies for Emerging Economies. Long Range Planning, 39(2), 177-197. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2006.04.004Nuseir, M. Madanat, H. (2015). 4Ps: A Strategy to Secure Customers Loyalty via Customer Satisfaction. IJMS, 7(4). https://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijms.v7n4p78Paley, N. (2005). The manager's guide to competitive marketing strategies. London: Thorogood.Phillips, R. Freeman, R. (2010). Stakeholders. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.The market for domestic conservatories. (2011). Surbiton.Yu, K., Cadeaux, J., Song, H. (2013). Distribution Channel Network and Relational Performance: The Intervening Mechanism of Adaptive Distribution Flexibility. Decision Sciences, 44(5), 915-950. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/deci.12040Krstic, I. Becic, S. (2011). Implementation of marketing strategy: Factor of competitive advantage.Marketing, 42(2), 118-126. https://dx.doi.org/10.5937/markt1102118kSmith, B. (2011). The marketplace. Las Vegas, Nev.: Nazca Plains.The Airline market. (2001). [London?].Young, A. Aitken, L. (2007). Profitable marketing communications. London: Kogan Page Ltd.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Strategic Alignment Worksheet free essay sample

Overview Use this Strategic Alignment Worksheet (SAW) to help you complete the sections listed below. As you progress through the course, you will be instructed to complete and submit section(s) of the SAW. Once you have all of the sections completed, you are to incorporate the sections into the larger Atha Execution Plan, which is your final project deliverable (to be submitted in Unit 5). Sections of the SAW Goals and Activities (Unit 2) Interview Questions (Unit 3) Department Purpose Statements (Unit 4) Performance Standards (Unit 4) Checklist for Human Resources Area Mary Atha, CEO, has provided this checklist of overall organization goals for the human resources area. Read the checklist and use it as a point of reference for your development of this SAW. 1. Ensure staffing requirements are met. 2. Retain existing staff. 3. Hire and train new staff. 4. Plan, organize, lead, and direct the human resources of the company to meet the goal of growing the business by 100%. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Alignment Worksheet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1. 0 Goals and Activities. Develop goals and activities for the human resources Area. Submit this section in Unit 2. Goals Activities to support this goal (add more rows if needed) 1. 1 Retain existing employees. What are the supporting activities? How will this activity achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Evaluate current employees and their current strengths and weaknesses. By evaluating each employee, their strengths and weaknesses can be utilized to discover issues and needs which were not acknowledged previously and have created morale issues. 45 days Provide training to all employees based on new company needs and employee training needs. Providing appropriate training will increase efficiency of each employee and department as a whole. Re-evaluate after training . Re- evaluating will help asses staffing needs. 1. 2 Add two additional human resources generalists. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Week One: Recruit applicants via Monster. com by advertising an H/R Generalist position. Applicants must have a degree and 4 years experience in the position. The requirements for the position will streamline the amount of applicants to sort through and help save time and help ensure quality candidates. 2 weeks Week Two: Conduct interviews and make a final decision on the last day. 1. 3 Assist department managers in the hiring of new employees. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Provide a job description of the position to the department managers. These activities will guide the managers through the recruiting process and assist in speed of the entire hiring process. 2 weeks Assist in advertising setting up interviews. Process new employees and set up training for them. 1. 4 Assist department managers with the improvement of employee performance. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? After completing the evaluations described in goals section 1. 1 , set up workshops and training sessions for employees and management based on their needs. 30 days Because employees’ performance often coincides with management performance, it is necessary to keep under consideration that it may be management who may need re-training or some assistance in order to lead their team effectively. By listening and acting on concerns and issues that may exist in a department and hinder performance, the morale of the employee rises and so does performance. 1. 5 Create new organization chart for the human resources area. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Collect names, positions and what each person does in the HR Department. This activity will organize the most current information and create a chart with the line of command 1 week after hiring new department employees Starting with the head of the department, place the name in a box on the top of the page along with the position title. On the next line down, draw a line of boxes, one for each person directly reporting to the Department Head. Those are the supervisors of staff. On the last line make a line of boxes representing employees who directly reports to each supervisor of staff. Draw lines connecting the employees to each supervisor. 1. 6 Update and create new job descriptions. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? This will require each department manager to provide a detailed description of duties for each position in the department to the Human Resources Department. Being the head of a department a manager will know if there are any changes to the job descriptions of all the department members. This will provide the most accurate job descriptions. 2 weeks After the descriptions are collected they are to be printed on official company letterhead and HR staff should organize and file the reports according to company organization chart 1. 7 Prepare new staff handbooks. What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? With upcoming staff and company changes there will be a need to update and produce new staff handbooks. 30 days Study and investigate changes that may have to be made to the labor laws that apply to the higher volume of staff. Update any employment laws and regulations that may change due to increase of staff. Change the company profile in the handbook to reflect the new changes This will update the handbook to reflect new company goals. 1. 8 Make changes to employee benefits What are the supporting activities? How will this achieve the goal? What is the achievement deadline? Investigate state and federal laws, which dictate the required employee benefits. This will insure that the company will be operating within applicable employment laws Within 30 days of staff increase 2. 0 Interview Questions. Write interview questions for the human resources area. Submit this section in Unit 3. Add more rows if needed. Interview question Rationale for including this question 2. 1. Describe a time when you discovered a serious problem with an employee. How did you help resolve it Help evaluate problem-solving skills 2. 2. Give an example of how you have dealt with a difficult person in the past, whether it was personal or professional setting? To help evaluate conflict resolution abilities What programs for employees would you believe to be most crucial in an organization? 2. 3. General understanding of Human Resources role. 2. 4. Could you tell us about a time when you found the need for a change in your department? What prompted the need for the change and what was your strategy for executing the change? Was it successful? Leadership skills: the ability to take on a task and be innovative and outgoing enough to take charge. 2. 5. What do you believe is the HR department’s role in an organization and its mission? To evaluate if the candidate has a good understanding of HR. 3. 0 Purpose Statement. Write a purpose statement for the human resources area. Submit this section in Unit 4. Most of us are aware of the term purpose statement but are unsure of what its real meaning is within an organization. It is a statement describing the organization’s purpose, or the reason for its existence. The purpose of an organization reflects a desired position in the marketplace. It should accurately answer to the questions below. The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers. The most effective purpose statements are short, concise, and direct. A good purpose statement is between 2–3 sentences. Purpose Statement Who are we? What do we do? For whom do we do this? How do we know when we are getting it done? The Human Resources Department for Atha Corporation We support all members of the organization by providing policies, guidelines, support in a people friendly manner to optimize the path to success. We provide support to all members of Atha Corporation and the corporation itself. We know we are succeeding when Atha Corporation’s staff is supported and performance is at an optimum level while we are reaching company goals. Compile the answers to the four questions into a concise 2–3-sentence statement summarizing those questions. This statement is your Purpose Statement. The Human Resources Department for Atha Corporation supports all members of the organization and the organization itself by providing policies, guidelines and support in a people friendly manner to optimize the path to success. We know we are succeeding when Atha Corporation’s staff is supported and performance is at an optimum level while we are reaching company goals. 4. 0 Performance Standards. Identify performance standards for the human resources area. Submit this section in Unit 4. Add more rows if needed. Performance Standards Rationale for including this performance standard 4. 1 Employment Hire quality employees that will perform within the companies quickly changing demands. The quality of the employees that are hire dictates the HR Generalist’s knowledge and abilities 4. 2 Benefits Negotiate with benefits providers for best prices to keep the company within budget. 4. 3 Training Provide training to all existing and new personnel to optimize the quality of each employee. 4. 4 Records and documentation Processing all Identification, immigration forms, Background Checks and IRS forms in a timely manner to stay within legal employment limitations. 4. 5 Compensation Negotiate compensation with all new and existing employees to retain and gain quality employees while staying within the budget.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Foundation Of Nation Essays - Political Geography, Nation State

Foundation Of Nation Essays - Political Geography, Nation State Foundation Of Nation Formation of Nation A formation of nation occurs when a state has a unified administrative reach over the territory over which its sovereignty is claimed. The development of a plurality of nations is basic to the centralization and administrative expansion of state domination internally. Therefore the nation-state, which exists in a complex of other nation-states, is a set of institutional forms of governance maintaining an administrative monopoly over an economic, political, social and cultural territory with demarcated borders, its rule being sanctioned by law and direct control of the means of internal and external violence exists when a state has a unified administrative reach over the territory over. Many states were formed at a point in time when people sharing a common history, culture, and language discovered a sense of identity. This was true in the cases of England and France, for example, which were the first nation-states to emerge in the modern period, and of Italy and Germany, which were e stablished as nation-states in the 19th century. In contrast, however, other states, such as India, the Soviet Union, and Switzerland, came into existence without a common basis in race, culture, or language. It must also be emphasized that contemporary nation-states were creations of different historical periods and of varied circumstances. Before the close of the 19th century, the effective mobilization of governmental powers on a national basis had occurred only in Europe, the United States, and Japan. The truest symbol of its importance is the printing press. For one thing, this invention enormously increased the

Friday, November 22, 2019

Run a Diesel on Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO)

Run a Diesel on Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) So, you’re here because you’re curious about the process of running a diesel engine on waste vegetable oil gathered from a restaurant? Well, good for you. Our guess is that in addition to still having the first nickel you ever earned tucked between your mattress and box spring, you no longer want to contribute to all the nastiness that goes along with America’s dependence on fossil fuel. Give yourself a pat on the back. We’re conservationists. People who don’t want to use more of this world’s resources than necessary, and we place a priority on getting a little more mileage out of stuff that most people would toss aside. We’re also rugged individualists. People who don’t like to depend on others when they can depend on themselves. Run a Diesel on Waste Vegetable Oil: A Reality Check By now, you’ve probably read all of the waste veggie oil propaganda: diesel engines run fine on vegetable oil, just as they were originally designed to; restaurants are dying to get rid of this viable fuel alternative - to them it’s a waste product; burning veggie oil is better for the planet than burning fossil. As far as we’ew concerned, all of that is true. But going into this you also need to know that there are no free lunches and no free rides. Yes, you will save money, but you’ll be trading off valuable time out of your life. Compare burning waste vegetable oil in your car to another popular grassroots sustainable energy process: burning wood to heat your house. If you’ve ever cut, split and stacked enough firewood to last through a cold winter, you know what were talking about. It saves you money out of pocket, but it’s going to cost you some sweat and maybe even a minor flesh wound or two. Run a Diesel on Waste Vegetable Oil: Things to Keep in Mind First, if you make a deal with a restaurant to collect their oil, you need to do so in a prompt, professional manner. In my case, the restaurant had little storage space and was eager to get rid of their waste oil when they had a few containers filled up, lest they get cited for having it around in the event of a health department inspection. So when the manager of that fine establishment called, she expected me to get over and collect the oil, pronto. Next, you have to store the oil. I have two clean 55 gallon drums in which I store my filtered oil, but the five-gallon containers I get from the restaurant get stacked up in the corner of my garage until I get around to the next step. Which is... Filtering. There will be food particles suspended in the oil and, before you can burn it in your car, you need to get them out. This isn’t brain surgery, but it can be tedious if you’re doing it the old-fashioned way like I do it, pouring the oil through strainers by hand. There are more effective ways, but it will involve buying additional equipment, a pump, hose, spin on filters etc. Then there’s the waste. My oil is given to me in five-gallon plastic containers inserted in cardboard boxes. These are recyclable, but you’ll have to clean out the containers or risk drawing the ire of the folks at the local transfer station. Ditto for the cardboard. If it’s soaked in oil, they might reject it, which means you’ll be sending it to the landfill. In addition to the packaging waste, you will also invariably have some oil at the bottom of the containers that are so polluted with charred food that it’s virtually unusable. You’re going to need to get rid of this too, unless you plan on taking the time to clean it and burn it. Run a Diesel on Waste Vegetable Oil: Modifying the Vehicle You need to modify your vehicle to burn WVO. If you are planning to burn WVO in a car that is under warranty, first off, I think you’re out of your mind, and second, this will definitely void said warranty. The best kit on the market  is the Greasecar kit. It costs about $1,000, less installation. If you can’t do it yourself, then at $80 an hour, which is what most repair shops charge, you could be looking at more than $1,000 for installation. In fact, Greasecar charges between $1,000 - $1,400 for installation. If you’re driving 15,000 miles a year in a VW diesel that gets 40 mpg, it’s going to take you more than a year just to pay off the price of the kit and the installation. Run a Diesel on Waste Vegetable Oil: Maintenance It’s possible to filter all of the fryer junk out of the oil before you dump it in your car, but for some reason, I’m never able to. So you’re going to have to change the filters on your car more frequently than you ever had to while burning diesel. This isn’t a big deal, but it is one more step in the process that people who just pull up to the pump, fill up and then drive off, never have to deal with. And if you drive too far with a clogging filter, you could be left on the side of the road facing a $200 tow bill. (This happened to me). And there goes some of your savings. Run a Diesel on Waste Vegetable Oil: Final Thoughts Its important to understand that burning WVO isn’t as straightforward as some might lead you to believe. It is interesting and rewarding but will require some work on your part. But, hey, we’re conservationists and rugged individualists. We don’t give up after hearing a little straight talk, right?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussion questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Discussion questions - Coursework Example Developing accurate expectations about the position to be occupied by aspiring employees is vital since it saves both individual and the company considerable time and resources. Inflated job expectations always results in new employees quitting the jobs after short stints (Schmitt, 2012). A Realistic Job Preview (RJP) is a recruitment approach employed by an organization in view of communicating vital aspects of the roles prior to offer of a job. This approach protects the merit system, enhances employee commitment and reduces turnover. Moreover, RJP provides the potential employee with a clear picture of what to expect as regards to the job (Schmitt, 2012). The elements of an effective recruitment action plan comprises of time horizons of recruitment activities. It also stipulates the approach of classifying applicant pool targets while also identifying the most appropriate techniques of contacting the targeted

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Online Network Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Online Network Marketing - Essay Example In other words, it is an online community of sellers and buyers. By the year 2006, slightly more than a billion people were able to access internet throughout the world. This is the results of a survey conducted by Internet World Stats in that year (Nichols: 2007). What this means is that there is a potential market online of a billion people. This is a large pool of people who can buy or sell a product or service. It is not surprising then why there is an increase in the number of people who are establishing online network marketing businesses. The services and goods marketed online include education, consumer goods like drugs, and vehicles amongst others. This article is going to look critically at the online technologies that are used to build online network marketing. This network marketing is geared towards building online communities and promoting goods and services online. The broad objective of this study is to critically analyze of online network marketing for community building and business promotion. To this end, the study will be guided by several specific objectives: As indicated earlier, more than a billion people around the world were already online by the year 2006 (Nichols: 2007). This number has continued to grow over the years, and it will not be far fetched right now to say that internet usage will hit the two billion mark by the end of 2010 (Foucault: 2009). This translates to a market of two billion people out there. People access the internet for several purposes; there are those who use it for communication, as a form of social media. These are the ones who use emails and social networks like Facebook and Twitter (Wilson: 2009). When selling or promoting products and services online, most people first recruits sales representatives and agents online (Bashir: 2009). The advantage of online networking is that the sales representatives can be recruited from anywhere in the world, unlike the traditional offline networking where they have to come from a certain geographical location. These agents are then encouraged to recruit others. The commission accrued by these agents reduces as one goes down the ladder, with the owner of the organization getting the lion's share. These agents are the ones who are in charge of selling the particular service or product that the company deals with. They recruit a consumer base, still online. The agents and the producer forms what is called a virtual organization (Irwin: 2007). The consumers, together with the virtual organization, forms the online community that is brought together by the particular good or service that is been sold. In order to create this community, promotion is needed. The producer creates his presence on the internet. This he can do by creating his own website domain. He then goes ahead and recruits the agents, who access his domain for details. These agents then use several means to recruit consumers. They may advertise their services and products on other sites related to their line of business. When the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Transparency In Government Essay Example for Free

Transparency In Government Essay Introduction. Government organs and state owned enterprises are major buyers and sellers having a great impact on international trade. According to an OECD estimates, the total government procurement worldwide was estimated to be roughly equivalent to 82.3% of world merchandise and commercial services exports in 1998 alone[1]. Such public spending is essential in running government welfare programs such as, health, education, and pension and managing the infrastructure for future development. In order to obtain cost effective prices for contracting the services to run these projects, an efficient public procurement policy that incorporates elements of transparency and competition needs to be established to ensure that the tendering process is open to all interested parties. Besides, knowledge about a country’s contestable shares is important not only for investors, but also governments and trade negotiators. The Chairman of the WTO Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement Practices, established after the 1996 WTO Ministerial Conference in Singapore, identified Transparency in Government Procurement as one of the twelve issues around which discussions on procurement matters at the WTO have been organized. This paper analyses in depth this issue with a view to improving market access and national welfare. For this purpose, we present the following structure. (SECTION II) The relationship between public procurement, market access and national welfare: Traditionally, public procurement is viewed as a sovereign domain of governments except when it is relinquished in favour of international trade agreements such as the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement. Though it’s easy to agree on a policy for ensuring transparency in Public Procurements, the implementation of such a policy depends on, among other factors, whether such an agreement will improve market access for suppliers at the same time cater for the county’s national welfare. Hence the main objective of this paper is to answer the question on whether transparency in Public Procurement can achieve both objectives. Here, we confirm that lack of transparency in PP reduces market access and national welfare only in the short run where the government’s demand is initially more than the total domestic supply but does not affect prices in the long run under perfect market conditions. {Baldwin and Richardson (1972)} at the same time, we examine the trade impact of transparent procurement policy and support the view that non-preferential procurement policy results in huge gains in national welfare. {Lowinger (1976) and Deardorff and Stern (1979)} (Section III) Actual data on the size of government procurement practices: Though the Data on government procurement markets are both scarce and non-standardized, we intend to measure the quantity of government procurements markets in the international trade. We shall also analyze the methodology used in collection and calculation of data from various countries with emphasis on SNA, WTO notifications, EC study based on EU official journal and the â€Å"bottom up approach[2]† The role of the OECD Trade Committee in respect of its analysis of government procurement practices shall also be examined.[3]. Section IV Rationale for discriminative practices: Cost effectiveness, geographical proximity especially for non-tradable goods[4] nationalism, corruption,[5] and protectionalism are some of the rationales that we shall discuss. We shall review the Keynesian theory associating procurement discrimination to macroeconomic development. Some projects that are prone to preferential treatment such as the aviation industry and defence contracts are also discussed. forms of discrimination such as the â€Å"outright exclusion† in which foreign bidders are excluded from tendering process, â€Å"preferential price margin† in which local bidders are preferred as long s the price difference doesn’t exceed specific margin and the concept of   â€Å"domestic content requirement† in which foreign suppliers are automatically disqualified from bidding unless they commit to purchase some components from domestic firms[6] have been reviewed. Section V Summary of the effect of preferential treatment: We present that procurement policies favouring domestic firms and products can impede international commerce especially when there is an outright ban for foreign suppliers. But at the same time local firms will greatly benefit thereby boosting national income. A liberalized policy on the other hand may achieve the WTO aim of market access, which in turn will positively affect national welfare, but transparency reform need not improve market access and welfare simultaneously[7]. We shall also highlight the importance of transparency in PP to global trade initiatives. Section VI Measures to improve transparency in procurement policies: We shall review reform initiatives and the factors aiding or hindering such reforms. International commitment in improving market access and national welfare shall also be discussed. We shall provide an overview of the achievements and failures of the following agreements in this regard. GATT 1947 The Tokyo round 1979 The Uruguay round 1994 The Singapore ministerial conference (1996) The Doha ministerial declaration (2001) Beyond the Cancun collapse The concluding remarks are given in section VII.   ACRONYMS OECD WTO World Trade Organisation SNA EC European Commission EU European Union PP Public Procurement GATT General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. [1] OECD, The Size of Government Procurement Markets 11-Feb-2002, Available at http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/34/14/1845927.pdf [2] This is a method of gathering national data on procurement expenditure directly from the national procurement agencies of various countries. [3] Please study OECD Draft instrument on Government Purchasing Policies, Procidures and Practices forwarded to GATT in 1976 for better understanding. [4] Breton and Salmon, (1995) [5] Corrupt officials expand expenditures (Hines, 1997). For a detailed political economy rationale for reform see Hoekman (1998) [6] OECD, The Size of Government Procurement Markets 11-Feb-2002, Available at http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/34/14/1845927.pdf [7] Government procurement: market access, transparency, and multilateral trade rules Simon J. Evenett, Bernard M. Hoekman

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pedagogy vs. Andragogy Essay -- essays research papers fc

Consider the differences between the way in which children and adults learn Introduction In this assignment, I intend to consider the possible differences between the way in which children and adults learn. For instance, Piaget believed there to be schemes with four distinct stages of cognitive development. Between birth and the time a child is ready for school, he/she will pass through two of the four stages. These stages are the Sensorimotor Stage and the Preoperational Stage. Alternatively, it could be argued that our parents, teachers, and society as a whole condition us, to learn in a particular way, to take our place in society. This, then in the words of Freire is: â€Å"the banking concept of education, in which the scope of action allowed to the student extends only as far as receiving, filing and storing the deposits.† (Freire, 1970) On the other hand, it is suggested, that adults learn from experience and reflection, therefore, it is the way in which people: â€Å"understand, or experience, or conceptualise the world around them.† (Ramsden, 1992) The focus for them then, is gaining knowledge or ability through the use of experience. These are two extremes of the spectrum of learning and there are, according to theorists such as Piaget, several stages in-between, these are: sensory-motor, pre-operational, concrete-operational and formal-operational. I intend to look at these stages in detail in the main body of this assignment. Firstly, I intend to consider the meaning of learning and briefly look at the terms ‘pedagogy and andragogy’. Learning What is learning? Learning is a process by which we change our behaviour and understanding. We learn in many ways. For instance, the cognitive orientation to learning, this could be said to be how children learn, (see child learning section). Secondly, there is the humanistic orientation to learning, this could be said to be a personal act to fulfil potential, through experience and reflection. Finally, we have the social/situational orientation to learning; this refers to the way we are pre-conditioned by society. Child learning: Pedagogy Firstly, we will look at the term pedagogy, pedagogy means the art and science of educating children and often is used as another word for teaching. More correctly, pedagogy embraces teacher-focused education. In the pedagogic model, teachers assume responsibility... ...ithout a Teacher. A study of tasks and assistance during adult self-teaching projects, Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Piaget's theory. 1970, In P. Mussen (ed) Handbook of child psychology, Vol. New York: This reference is an excerpt from a lecture given by Erich Fromm 1958 in Spanish and published under the title "Los factores sociales y su influencia en el desarrollo del nià ±o" in La Prensa Mà ©dica Mexicana (Volume 23, 1958, p. 227f.). - First published in the Yearbook of the international Erich Fromm Society, Vol. 3, Mà ¼nster: LIT-Verlag, 1992, pp. 163-165. - Translation from Spanish into English by Jorge Silva Garcà ­a, Tlalpan, Mexico. Knowles, M.S. (1984). The adult learner: A neglected species. (3rd edition). Houston: Gulf. Pedagogy vs. Andragogy Essay -- essays research papers fc Consider the differences between the way in which children and adults learn Introduction In this assignment, I intend to consider the possible differences between the way in which children and adults learn. For instance, Piaget believed there to be schemes with four distinct stages of cognitive development. Between birth and the time a child is ready for school, he/she will pass through two of the four stages. These stages are the Sensorimotor Stage and the Preoperational Stage. Alternatively, it could be argued that our parents, teachers, and society as a whole condition us, to learn in a particular way, to take our place in society. This, then in the words of Freire is: â€Å"the banking concept of education, in which the scope of action allowed to the student extends only as far as receiving, filing and storing the deposits.† (Freire, 1970) On the other hand, it is suggested, that adults learn from experience and reflection, therefore, it is the way in which people: â€Å"understand, or experience, or conceptualise the world around them.† (Ramsden, 1992) The focus for them then, is gaining knowledge or ability through the use of experience. These are two extremes of the spectrum of learning and there are, according to theorists such as Piaget, several stages in-between, these are: sensory-motor, pre-operational, concrete-operational and formal-operational. I intend to look at these stages in detail in the main body of this assignment. Firstly, I intend to consider the meaning of learning and briefly look at the terms ‘pedagogy and andragogy’. Learning What is learning? Learning is a process by which we change our behaviour and understanding. We learn in many ways. For instance, the cognitive orientation to learning, this could be said to be how children learn, (see child learning section). Secondly, there is the humanistic orientation to learning, this could be said to be a personal act to fulfil potential, through experience and reflection. Finally, we have the social/situational orientation to learning; this refers to the way we are pre-conditioned by society. Child learning: Pedagogy Firstly, we will look at the term pedagogy, pedagogy means the art and science of educating children and often is used as another word for teaching. More correctly, pedagogy embraces teacher-focused education. In the pedagogic model, teachers assume responsibility... ...ithout a Teacher. A study of tasks and assistance during adult self-teaching projects, Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Piaget's theory. 1970, In P. Mussen (ed) Handbook of child psychology, Vol. New York: This reference is an excerpt from a lecture given by Erich Fromm 1958 in Spanish and published under the title "Los factores sociales y su influencia en el desarrollo del nià ±o" in La Prensa Mà ©dica Mexicana (Volume 23, 1958, p. 227f.). - First published in the Yearbook of the international Erich Fromm Society, Vol. 3, Mà ¼nster: LIT-Verlag, 1992, pp. 163-165. - Translation from Spanish into English by Jorge Silva Garcà ­a, Tlalpan, Mexico. Knowles, M.S. (1984). The adult learner: A neglected species. (3rd edition). Houston: Gulf.

Monday, November 11, 2019

World of dream

I saw a dream that I was in a land of chocolates . Full of candies , toffees . There was a river which was made of chocolate soup ,tree full of candies and even the who were around them were full of chocolates . I took a slide over a river and I ate many chocolates . I was very happy and I wonder If I would be there for years then suddenly I fell down my bed and heard many noises of my other who was trying to wake me up for the school that day I understood that It was only a dream and not reality and then I felt very sad.I would be there for years then suddenly I fell down my bed and heard many noises of my mother who was trying to wake me up for the school I was very sorry for that Incident but can't help at last when he was happy he was guilty for his act and decided to punish himself. Full of candles , toffees .There was a river which was made of chocolate soup ,tree full of candles and even the who were around them but now understood my pain of life with no one thankful at last I want to say that I am very depressed and want my life to be settled he said and locked him in his room . It was a bad day a worst day of his life his birthday couldn't be celebrated as he don't knew to enjoy sad very sad but can't do anything helpless .There was a river which was made of chocolate soup tree full f candies and even the who were around them but now understood my pain of life to be settled he said and locked him in his bed and felt asleep a happy ending couldn't be achieved . I would be there for years then suddenly I fell down my bed and heard many noises of my mother who was trying to wake me up for the school I was very sorry for that incident but can't help at last when he was happy he was guilty for his act and decided to punish he would like to punish his family friends and so on

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Negative Aspects of the SAT

The SAT requirement should be completely phased out from the college admission. The SAT has been used as the primary means of assessing students. The SAT is commercially published test that contain a number of items and have a uniform procedure for administration and scoring. The problem with the increase in SAT is that the tests present many challenging obstacles for students and teachers. The message being sent to students is that the only thing that matters in their whole educational experience is their test score. Rather than attacking the ‘root problem’ of academic failure, attention is being focused on comparing scores among schools. Fratt (p. 17) found that 62 percent of the states in which the SAT exams have been adopted to assess the students’ abilities have experienced a high and continuously increasing drop out rate. The high-scoring schools become models, and the low-scoring schools are seen failure (). As test scores are relied on for important educational decisions such as college admission, questions need to be raised about the validity of the SAT. Negative Aspects of SAT The SAT provides worthwhile information, but lacks realism and undermines the educational process. The U.S. is the only nation that relies upon SAT for college admission. Countries such as Europe and Asia use essays, oral exams and exhibit of students’ work. These assessment measures tend to measure students’ skills and knowledge in a more meaningful way including high-order thinking and problem-solving skills, whereas the SAT tend to focus on concrete, isolated skills (Black & Duhon, p. 90-98). An assumption of the SAT is that if a student is able to perform a skill in the test, he or she is able to perform that same skill in his or her own work. For example, if a student can perform de-contextualized editing on a SAT exam, he or she will be able to edit his or her own work. The SAT tends to focus on isolated skills, encourage low-level comprehension, rely only on multiple-choice formats, and produce scores at times that are not useful in planning instruction. Students are not involved in their own assessment. Labels may cause educators or parents to inappropriately alter the treatment towards these children. Children who receive low scores usually are placed in special classes wher the curriculum involves drill and skill worksheets. They fail to learn what their advantages peers are learning. School personnel often have lower expectations for students placed in lower tracts or remedial classes due to low-test scores. These children are more likely to receive an inferior education and they do not get admission in good colleges (Buell & Kralovec, p. 17-18). Using test results can be harmful to students receiving low scores as well as high scores. The SAT exams are used to identify the academically gifted and talented. Children identified as such as usually given additional material and resources in school. The students who score high on standardized tests show stress-related symptoms and a fear of failure. This heavy emphasis on scores can devalue teacher judgment and seriously affect a student’s self-esteem. Test-induced stress can lead to increased anxiety in all students. Low performing students especially feel that they have already failed, and the test just adds to their feelings of low self-worth. The greatest disservice a formal test can have on a student is the depletion of a student’s self-esteem. Students perceive themselves as failures when they receive labels such as ‘behind’, ‘at-risk’, ‘immature’, and ‘remedial’. Children who do poorly on tests tend to feel poorly about themselves and possess negative images. When students are labeled slow learners because of the SAT exams, their educational opportunity becomes narrowed and unchallenged. These students begin a lifetime of drill and skill worksheets. High portions of these students come from minority groups or special classes. Every test reflects the background of the people who construct the test, who are mostly white, upper to middle class professionals. Most of the experiences they are questioning come from their background leaving out the background of many of the potential test-takers (Heriot & Wonnell, p. 467-483). The SAT exams are also biased in favor of English-fluent pupils only. Many limited English proficient (LEP) students are improperly assessed and decisions about their placement are made incorrectly. Language dominance seems to have a negative effect for students of different cultural backgrounds, and non-English speaking students have trouble with interpretations of test language. Tests are written with complex grammar and oftentimes are hard to understand. As test results are shown, students who are more likely to fail include the disproportionately poor and African American students, which undermine the mission of offering all students an opportunity to learn. Children from low income and minority groups are often harmed for life because of low test scores. The curriculum is ‘dumbed-down’ for these students because the educators feel they cannot handle the regular curriculum. This leads to a boring curriculum for these students (Stahlman, p. 242). Civil rights and parent advocacy groups are challenging that these tests penalize minority and at-risk students who have been short changed education. African Americans and Latinos are usually forced into the bottom tracks solely based on their low test scores. Another negative impact to low-income students is the fact they have not had some of the experience as other students. If children come from affluent families and stimulus-rich environments, they are more apt to score higher on the SAT exams. On of the chief reasons that a student’s socioeconomic status is highly correlated to scores on the SAT exams and college admission is because many questions on the tests measure what is learned outside of school. Some students are offered more experiences than others, thus affecting their scores (Ullman, p. 18). Conclusion Assessment is needed in the public schools that benefit all students and focus on improving learning instead of ranking and labeling students into specific categories. The SAT exams are not perfect or absolute measures of what individual students can or cannot do. For instance, paper-and-pencil tests give teacher only part of the picture of a student’s strengths and weaknesses. A student’s scores on a particular test may also vary from day to day, depending on whether the student guesses, received clear directions, follows the directly carefully, takes the test seriously, and is comfortable in taking the test. School personnel must not limit assessment to the SAT exams or allow them to dominate the assessment. Assessment is definitely multidimensional and must take into consideration multiple measures to evaluate a person’s full capabilities. Without a more inclusive assessment process, those who can contribute to and benefit from society will be forever excluded from the opportunities to do so. The researcher after reviewing the literature that has been published in past and that has been discussed in this paper that the SAT requirement to get admission in a college should be phased out in order to make the process of college admission fair and transparent. Works Cited Black, H. T. & Duhon, D. L. Evaluating and improving student achievement in business programs: The effective use of standardized assessment tests. Journal of Education for Business, 79 (2) (2003), 90-98. Buell, J., & Kralovec, E. High-stakes testing, homework, and the gaming system. Humanist, 65 (3) (2005), 17-18. Fratt, L. Graduation exams under the microscope. District Administration, 41 (4) (2005), 17. Retrieved May 17, 2007, http://www.districtadministration.com/page.cfm?p=1052. Heriot, G. L. & Wonnell, C. T. Standardized tests under the magnifying glass: A defense of the LSAT against recent charges of bias. Texas Review of Law and Politics, 7 (2) (2003), 467-483. Stahlman, R. Standardized tests: A teacher's perspective. Childhood Education, 81(4) (2005), 242. Ullman, E. Study: High-stakes tests have no effect on achievement. District Administration, 41 (11) (2005), 18. Â  

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Stiff Pen Shell (Atrina rigida)

Stiff Pen Shell (Atrina rigida) The stiff pen shell, or rigid pen shell, is one of the several species of pen shells. These mollusks have a long, triangular, or wedge-shaped shell and attach to rocks or shells in sandy, shallow ocean bottoms. Description Stiff pen shells can be up to 12 long and 6.5 wide. They are a brown or purplish-brown color and have 15 or more radiating ribs that fan out across the shell. They may also have erect, tubular spines. Pen shells may produce black pearls. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: MolluscaClass: BivalviaOrder: PterioidaFamily: PinnidaeGenus: AtrinaSpecies: rigida Habitat and Distribution Stiff pen shells live in warmer water from North Carolina to Florida, and also in the Bahamas and West Indies. They are found on sandy bottoms in shallow water. They attach with their byssal threads, pointed end down. Feeding Pen shells are filter feeders and eat small particles passing through the water. Conservation and Human Uses Pen shells have a scallop-like adductor muscle (the muscle that opens and closes the shells) and are edible. They also produce black pearls which may be used in jewelry. Pen shells in the Mediterranean (Mediterranean pen shells) were harvested for their byssal threads, which were woven into an expensive cloth. Sources Gofas, S. 2011. Pinnidae. World Register of Marine Species (Online) Accessed on May 24, 2011Meinkoth, N.A. 1981. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Seashore Creatures. Alfred A. Knopf, New YorkScott, S. 2011. Pen Shells Provided Ancients Byssal Threads for Fine Sea Silk (Online) Accessed May 24, 2011

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Anne Bonny, Irish Pirate and Privateer

Biography of Anne Bonny, Irish Pirate and Privateer Anne Bonny (1700–1782, exact dates uncertain) was an Irish pirate and privateer who fought under the command of Calico Jack Rackham between 1718 and 1720. Together with fellow female pirate Mary Read, she was one of Rackhams more formidable pirates, fighting, cursing, and drinking with the best of them. She was captured along with the rest of Rackhams crew in 1720 and sentenced to death, although her sentence was commuted because she was pregnant. She has been the inspiration for countless stories, books, movies, songs, and other works. Fast Facts: Anne Bonny Known For: For two years she was a pirate under Jack Rackham, and as a rare female pirate, she was the subject of many stories and songs and was the inspiration for generations of young womenBorn: About 1700 near Cork, IrelandPiracy Career: 1718–1720, when she was captured and sentenced to hangDied: Date and place unknownSpouse(s): James Bonny Early Years Most of what is known about Anne Bonnys early life comes from Captain Charles Johnsons A General History of the Pyrates which dates to 1724. Johnson (most, but not all, historians believe that Johnson was actually Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe) provides some details of Bonnys early life  but did not list his sources and his information has proven impossible to verify. According to Johnson, Bonny was born near Cork, Ireland probably sometime around 1700, the result of an affair between a married English lawyer and his maid. The unnamed lawyer was eventually forced to bring Anne and her mother to America to escape the gossip. Anne’s father set up in Charleston, first as a lawyer and then as a merchant. Young Anne was spirited and tough: Johnson reports that she once badly beat up a young man who â€Å"would have lain with her, against her will.† Her father had done quite well in his businesses and it was expected that Anne would marry well. Instead, at about age 16, she married a penniless sailor named James Bonny, and her father disinherited her and cast them out. The young couple set out for New Providence, where Annes husband made a meager living turning in pirates for bounties. Sometime in 1718 or 1719, she met pirate Calico Jack Rackham (sometimes spelled Rackam) who had recently wrested command of a pirate vessel from the ruthless Captain Charles Vane. Anne became pregnant and went to Cuba to have the child: once she had given birth, she returned to a life of piracy with Rackham. A Life of Piracy Anne proved to be an excellent pirate. She dressed like a man, while she fought, drank, and swore like one too. Captured sailors reported that after their vessels were taken by the pirates, it was the two women- Bonny and Mary Read, the latter who had joined the crew by then- who urged their crewmates on to greater acts of bloodshed and violence. Some of these sailors testified against her at her trial. According to legend, Bonny (dressed as a man) felt a strong attraction to Mary Read (who was also dressed as a man) and revealed herself as a woman in hopes of seducing Read. Read then confessed that she was a woman, too. The reality may have been that Bonny and Read most likely met in Nassau as they were preparing to ship out with Rackham. They were very close, perhaps even lovers. They would wear womens clothes on board  but change into mens clothes when a fight was in store. Capture and Trial By October of 1720, Rackham, Bonny, Read, and their crew were infamous in the Caribbean and in desperation, Governor Woodes Rogers authorized privateers to hunt and capture them and other pirates for bounties. A heavily armed sloop belonging to Captain Jonathan Barnet caught up to Rackhams ship when the pirates had been drinking and after a small exchange of cannon and small arms fire, they surrendered. When capture was imminent, only Anne and Mary fought against Barnet’s men, swearing at their crewmates to come out from under the decks and fight. The trials of Rackham, Bonny, and Read caused a sensation. Rackham and the other male pirates were swiftly found guilty: he was hanged with four other men at Gallows Point in Port Royal on November 18, 1720. Reportedly, he was allowed to see Bonny before his execution and she said to him: Im sorry to see you here, but if you had fought like a man you need not have hanged like a dog. Bonny and Read were also found guilty on November 28 and sentenced to hang. At that point, they both declared that they were pregnant. The execution was postponed, and it was found to be true that the women were pregnant. Death Mary Read died in prison about five months later. What happened to Anne Bonny is uncertain. Like her early life, her later life is lost in shadow. Captain Johnson’s book first came out in 1724, so her trial was still fairly recent news while he was writing it, and he only says of her, â€Å"She was continued in prison, to the time of her lying in, and afterwards reprieved from Time to Time, but what is become of her since, we cannot tell; only this we know, that she was not executed.† So what happened to Anne Bonny? There are many versions of her fate and no truly decisive proof in favor of any one of them. Some say she reconciled with her wealthy father, moved back to Charleston, remarried and lived a respectable life into her 80s. Others say she remarried in Port Royal or Nassau and bore her new husband several children. Legacy Annes impact on the world has been primarily cultural. As a pirate, she did not have a large impact, because her pirating career only lasted a few months. Rackham was not an important pirate, mostly taking easy prey like fishing vessels and lightly armed traders. If not for Anne Bonny and Mary Read, he would be a footnote in pirate lore. But Anne has gained great historical stature in spite of her lack of distinction as a pirate. Her character has much to do with it: not only was she one of only a handful of female pirates in history, but she was one of the die-hards, who fought and cursed harder than most of her male colleagues. Today, historians of everything from feminism to cross-dressing scour the available histories for anything about her or Mary Read. No one knows how much of an influence Anne has had on young women since her days of piracy. At a time when women were kept indoors, barred from the freedom that men enjoyed, Anne went out on her own, left her father and husband, and lived as a pirate on the high seas off and on for two years. Her greatest legacy is probably the romantic example of a woman who seized freedom when the opportunity presented itself, even if her reality was probably not nearly as romantic as people think. Sources Cawthorne, Nigel. A History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas. Arcturus Publishing, September 1, 2003. Johnson, Captain Charles. A General History of the Pyrates. Kindle edition, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, September 16, 2012. Konstam, Angus. The World Atlas of Pirates. Guilford: The Lyons Press, 2009 Rediker, Marcus. Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age. Boston: Beacon Press, 2004. Woodard, Colin. The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down. Mariner Books, 2008.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 45

English - Essay Example The dyadic personality is the main concept that defines the first century personality. A dyadic person functions based on honor and shame, which are both related to what other people are thinking. During the first century, being common and conforming to the norm is the important and proper character. One possible reason why the first century people detest uniqueness is based on the example that every person is a representative of his or her particular group, either family or community, thus needed to be giving the right impression at all times due to the lack of ways of international communication that can introduce people to other parts of the world. This is contrary to the 21st century attitude which promotes individuality and uniqueness. In the modern world, each person’s character is important, one example is that manufacturers of different products want to get to know individuals to produce that they want. There are significant differences between the first century people represented by the dyadic Mediterraneans and the 21st century people represented by the Americans. The primary character is the high value of conformity or being common in the first century person and the high value of individuality and independence in the 21st century person. Authoritarian attitude is also the main leadership trait in first century person world while democracy is more popular for the 21st century person. A first century person perceive attitude as a rule and segregation factor thus he or she would not dare mingle with people of different status. On the other hand, the 21st century person does not believe that status should define a person; people are still people no matter the status. In the first century, honor is defined based on 3 factors that are considered to define the whole social construct during that time namely power, gender status and religion. Honor is a claim or an access so a level of worth in the society. Like wealth it can be achieved