Monday, February 17, 2020

The endocrine regulation of metamorphosis in lepidoperons and anurans Essay

The endocrine regulation of metamorphosis in lepidoperons and anurans - Essay Example The order Lepidoptera is considered as being the "second largest order in the class Insecta and includes the butterflies, skippers, and moths. Members of the order are referred to as lepidopterans" (Wikipedia, 2007). This particular order has more than 180,000 species in 128 families and 47 superfamilies. Lepidopterans undergo a complete and full metamorphosis, as they go through a four-stage life cycle of egg: larva/caterpillar - pupa/chrysalis - imago/adult. When we look at the anurans, which are considered as being the most successful and diverse of the amphibians and anura is considered as being an order of animals in the class amphibian, and this includes both frogs and toads. At the present time in the world there are about 5,280 species that are considered as being in this order, and those that are living are divided into three particular suborders, which are: Archaeobatrachia, Mesobatrachia and Neobatrachia. In regards to the metamorphosis process of the anurans, the beginning is the larval stage, where it is a tadpole, and after a certain period of growth, the tadpole undergoes metamorphosis, in which the tail is lost and limbs appear.

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