Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Article Review on Mental Illness Essay examples - 1007 Words

Jennifer Tozier Compentency Assignment 1, Review #2 Dr. Besthorn 09/15/2012 I chose to write my article review on the article entitled, â€Å"How clinical Diagnosis Might Exacerbate the Stigma of Mental Illness.† It is a not new concept that people are consistently drawn to a labeling others with a stigma, and this article delves into how we as social workers can (unintentionally) either encourage that stigma or hinder it based on the presentation to the client and to the public. A key point to the article talks about three kinds of potential ways stigma hurts a client. The first was being label avoidance. Many people do not want to admit to a mental illness, let alone get it treated because of how they might be perceived. Those that can†¦show more content†¦The article does an excellent job of describing how once a person is diagnosed with a mental illness it draws diversity in how they might be labeled and construed in society, similar to how they might be treated if they were a minority group. Research shows that this stigma â€Å"groups† individuals once they have been diagnosed with a mental illness, regardless if the client demonstrations any abnormal characteristics. The author did a terrific job of discussing the different stigmas that mental illness produces. It talked about how society or the majority labels a person with mental illness and the way a person can label themselves, both which produce disastrous results. I can see that this is a relevant article in the field of social work, because social workers can shape the way the client is perceived, both by the majority and the client all in the way they identify the illness. I understand that the article is talking about how the diagnosis can exacerbate the stigma, but I did not get a strong hold on ways to diagnosis it in an improved approach. The paragraph talking about diagnosis as a continuum seems like the closest point of reference for me, as an approach, but as it suggested this dimensional approach is not familiar to most clinicians. It seems once again there is only so far workers can go, with theShow MoreRelatedThe Global Humanitarian Assistant Report1583 Words   |  7 Pagesdem and, they have a greater risk of developing mental health problems than the general population (Ager et al., 2012). This paper reviews and summaries 12 research studies done between 2005 and 2015, to determine whether Humanitarian Aid workers (HAW) are at risk of developing mental health problems i.e. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, stress and panic attacks in trauma related incidences. 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